Industry Insights
We believe in making decisions from the lens of what’s best for our customers to create meaningful value and long-term impact. Discover how SigFig is challenging the status quo and uncovering solutions to help our clients meet their financial goals.
Blogs for Banks & Credit Unions:
When was the last time you heard of clients choosing an advisory firm because they have a “great back office?” While the answer to that may be “never,” many of the relationship-building activities that clients value most are made possible by back office efficiency. In fact, a strong operating system can generate one of your firm’s most precious assets — advisor time.
The financial services industry, like many others, continues to seek ways to reduce friction in the customer journey. Achieving financial wellness requires a proactive and informed approach by advisors and their clients. But along the road to building a productive investment management relationship are many areas of potential friction: from the emotional nature of financial decision making for clients, to inefficient systems and processes on the advisor's side.
We had the privilege of gathering with leaders from some of the industry’s largest wealth management firms for our web seminar. In our time together, we not only had a chance to share SigFig’s unique view on modernizing digital wealth, but gained a collective view of the group’s priorities through a series of live polls conducted throughout the session.
If you attended Fintech Meetup, you likely cruised through the elaborate exhibit halls or attended sessions hosted by thought leaders. Our team spent time doing all of these things, then found ourselves gravitating towards a few themes and threads we consistently encountered.
We are dedicated to providing a seamless, efficient, and personalized experience in everything we do—websites included. We hope our new public identity facilitates meaningful connections with leaders across wealth management and enables new ideas for our industry.
Harness technology to thrive in the Great Wealth Transfer. Explore how advisors can utilize fintech like SigFig to meet younger clients' needs.